Список пройденных курсов всего: 79

Vue.js Building an Interface

Дата завершеия: 22.12.2020

Школа: Linkedin Learning

The perfect way to learn Vue.js is to use Vue.js. Once you build an app interface and see its strengths and flexibility in action, you can decide how much of Vue.js you want to use in your own projects. This hands-on course teaches you how to build a simple component-based app: an appointment boo ...

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Направления: Web Development

Инструменты: Front-end frameworks Vue.JS

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Vue.js Essential Training

Дата завершеия: 22.12.2020

Школа: Linkedin Learning

Vue.js offers developers a framework for building applications that lets them choose how deeply they want to apply the framework. This flexibility is just one of the many benefits offered by this lightweight framework. Developers also appreciate the render functions, the single-file components, t ...

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Направления: Web Development

Инструменты: Front-end frameworks Vue.JS

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API Platform: Serious RESTful APIs

Дата завершеия: 12.05.2021

Школа: SymfonyCasts

API Platform is crushing the scene these days. And it's easy to see why! Built on top of Symfony, API Platform enables you to build a rich, JSON-LD-powered, hypermedia API... pretty much instantly! In this tutorial, we'll build a real app and leverage these tools:


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Направления: Web Development

Инструменты: API REST API

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The Delightful World of Vue

Дата завершеия: 25.05.2021

Школа: SymfonyCasts

Ready to build an interactive frontend that you'll love! Look no further than Vue.js: a leader on the frontend world and one that you can sink your teeth into, even if JavaScript isn't your main gig. In this tutorial, we'll build a real-world "Products" area for our site usi ...

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Направления: Web Development

Инструменты: Front-end frameworks Vue.JS

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