Список пройденных курсов всего: 79


Дата завершеия: 10.04.2017

Школа: Code School

Learn basic database manipulation skills using the SQL programming language.

  • Level 1: The Ins and Outs of Databases
  • Level 2: Managing Data
  • Level 3: Managing Databases and Tables

Направления: Web Development

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The Sequel to SQL

Дата завершеия: 11.04.2017

Школа: Code School

​Learn the most important parts of the SQL language so you can create tables with constraints, use relationships, and write powerful join queries.

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Breaking the Ice With Regular Expressions

Дата завершеия: 12.04.2017

Школа: Code School

Search for text patterns using regular expressions and learn to validate emails and URLs, capture information, and use simple patterns to save development time.

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Try Git

Дата завершеия: 26.04.2017

Школа: Code School

Learn how to use Git by reviewing the basic concepts of Git version control. Try out this introductory course that was created with GitHub.

  1. Level 1: Discover Git

Направления: Web Development

Инструменты: GitHub Git

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Git Real

Дата завершеия: 28.04.2017

Школа: Code School

Learn more advanced Git by practicing the concepts of Git version control. Increase your Git knowledge by learning more advanced systems within Git.

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