Список пройденных курсов всего: 1
API Platform: Serious RESTful APIs
Дата завершеия: 12.05.2021
API Platform is crushing the scene these days. And it's easy to see why! Built on top of Symfony, API Platform enables you to build a rich, JSON-LD-powered, hypermedia API... pretty much instantly! In this tutorial, we'll build a real app and leverage these tools:
Web Development
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Дата завершеия: 12.05.2021
Школа: SymfonyCasts
API Platform is crushing the scene these days. And it's easy to see why! Built on top of Symfony, API Platform enables you to build a rich, JSON-LD-powered, hypermedia API... pretty much instantly! In this tutorial, we'll build a real app and leverage these tools:
...Направления: Web Development
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